The customer has implemented the manufacturing process, during which the silicone coating is used. Cleaning of cured silicone is very unique and challenging, and we don’t know about any other company which would be able to provide such effective cleaning solutions as DCT. Based on positive references from our current customers, they have contacted us, and then we have received their components for testing in our DEMO center. Furthermore, during testing period, DCT has developed new cleaning agent for the removal of silicone.
We tested two different ways of removing the coating by alcohol-based cleaning agent Proton® 703.
A) with ultrasonic technology
B) with horizontal high-pressure Spray-In-Air
Proton® 703 is our best cleaner for the removal of silicone from PCBs, coating frames, and components of coating machines parts.
Other recommended
cleaning systems
The customer was really pleased with the perfect results of testing with Proton® 703. However, DCT is currently waiting for the newest development pattern of customer’s coating frames. Another test will be done with Proton® 707 as this cleaning agent has been developed only a month after testing with Proton® 703. So the newest type of coating frames will be tested with our newest cleaner for silicons. The old type of coating frames has been already tested with amazing results.
+420 725 337 729
Kontaktní adresa:
Havlíčkova 18
680 01 Boskovice
Fakturační údaje:
Tovární 85, 679 21 Černá Hora
DCT Czech s.r.o.
IČ: 27670937
DIČ: CZ27670937
Společnost realizuje projekt s názvem „Marketingová podpora exportu DCT Czech s.r.o.“, reg.č. CZ.01.2.111/0.0/0.0/16_047/0008507, který je spolufinancován z operačního programu Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost, tedy ze zdrojů Evropské unie. Obsahem projektu je propagace společnosti DCT Czech s.r.o. na 2 zahraničních veletrzích v letech 2017-2019 pořádaných v Německu, které jsou zaměřené na obor podnikání žadatele. Realizace projektu povede k rozvoji a růstu konkurenceschopnosti společnosti, posílení prezentace v zahraničí, získání nových zákazníků a povede k nárůstu objemu exportu a celkových tržeb společnosti.