The customer has been using DCT cleaning solution (InJet® 388 with cleaning fluid Decotron® 355S) to clean PCBAs from flux residues. Hovewer, DCT was asked to verify the suitability of the cleaning process and evetually to recommend other, more inovative solution for them, as DCT is still developing new cleaning agents and clening systems to provide the best cleaning solution on the market.
Cleanliness is checked in our Technical data sheet ROSE tester.
It is a device designed to measure the amount of ionizable impurities of a PCB.
IPC limit of ionic contamination (red line) corresponds to 1,56 μg NaCl/cm2.
Limit of ionic contamination (green line) is an option to enter your own limit – in this case the limit was set to 0,156 μg NaCl/cm2.
The result of measured ionic contamination (blue line) of cleaned PCB is 0,08 μg NaCl/cm2.
Other recommended
cleaning systems
Decotron® CP 381 was evaluated as the best cleaning agent for removal of flux residues from PCBAs, based on a cleaning test and ionic contamination test, which we have done for the customer at DCT DEMO center. We are always customer-oriented and we are always willing to verify the suitability of currently used cleaning solutions. We are more than happy to recommend better and newer cleaning solution as it was in this particular case study.
+420 725 337 729
Kontaktní adresa:
Havlíčkova 18
680 01 Boskovice
Fakturační údaje:
Tovární 85, 679 21 Černá Hora
DCT Czech s.r.o.
IČ: 27670937
DIČ: CZ27670937
Společnost realizuje projekt s názvem „Marketingová podpora exportu DCT Czech s.r.o.“, reg.č. CZ.01.2.111/0.0/0.0/16_047/0008507, který je spolufinancován z operačního programu Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost, tedy ze zdrojů Evropské unie. Obsahem projektu je propagace společnosti DCT Czech s.r.o. na 2 zahraničních veletrzích v letech 2017-2019 pořádaných v Německu, které jsou zaměřené na obor podnikání žadatele. Realizace projektu povede k rozvoji a růstu konkurenceschopnosti společnosti, posílení prezentace v zahraničí, získání nových zákazníků a povede k nárůstu objemu exportu a celkových tržeb společnosti.