Der neueste und stärkste Silikon-Lackreiniger
Der neueste und stärkste Silikon-Lackreiniger

Our R&D team developed a new cleaning agent, which was given the name Proton® 705.

Development was focused on even more effective cleaning of silicone than with Proton® 703, which is really eco-friendly on the other hand. Our team strived for better time results with higher
cleanliness of the components.

We have tested removal of silicone materials from several different surfaces using our new product Proton® 705. The following case study is based on real testing in our laboratory, however, Proton® 705 has been already used at the customer as well and the excellent functionality has been proven even in real.


Types of Cleaned Components:

Coating frames


Components of coating machines

All components were polluted by silicone-based conformal coatings, casting compounds or silicone-based adhesives.

Types of Cleaned Components
Recommend Cleaning Solution

For the brilliant results, we recommend using our cleaning agent Proton® 705 in combination with our cleaning system Injet® 888 CRD as this combination has been tested in our DEMO center and it is a highly effective combination for cleaning of silicone materials from many different surfaces.

We believe our complete cleaning solution for the removal of silicone is unique on the market.

InJet® 888 CRD 1F
InJet® 888 CRD-1F ist in erster Linie zum Entfernen der Flussmittelrückstände auf den Lötrahmen oder zur Wartungssreinigung von Lötvorrichtungen vorgesehen. Die Anlage ist auch geeignet für Entfernung ausgehärteter und nicht ausgehärteter...
Proton® 705
Alkoholbasiertes Reinigungsmittel, das ausgehärtete und nicht ausgehärtete Silikon-Schutzbeschichtungen von Beschichtungsrahmen und Leiterplatten entfernt. Speziell zum Auflösen von Silikonbeschichtungen vorgesehen, auch für die meisten Arten von Acrylbeschichtungen geeignet. Extrem starkes Lösungsmittel...
Recomended Cleaning Process
Proton® 705 15–30 min / 45°C / 2,5 bar
1st Rinsing
Decotron® ACW 115 or Proton® R07 5 min / 30°C
2nd Rinsing
DI Water / 5 min / 30°C
Hot Air / 15–30 min / 60°C
After observation of our R&D team, the given parameters below can be stated as effective in most cases for the removal of silicone.
We recommend first rinsing with Decotron® ACW 115 to remove all residues of Proton® 705 (for aluminum parts) or Proton® R07 (for PCBs).
For the second rinsing, we recommend DI or tap water according to cleanliness requirements.
Coating Frames
Proton® 705
Alkoholbasiertes Reinigungsmittel, das ausgehärtete und nicht ausgehärtete Silikon-Schutzbeschichtungen von Beschichtungsrahmen und Leiterplatten entfernt. Speziell zum Auflösen von Silikonbeschichtungen vorgesehen, auch für die meisten Arten von Acrylbeschichtungen geeignet. Extrem starkes Lösungsmittel...
In contrast to Proton 703 and Proton 705, Proton 707 provides even higher dissolution rates and it is active also for most types of polyurethane and acrylic conformal coating
Effective also for flux dissolving, solder alloy corrosion removal
Hydrophilic modification of solder mask depending on the solder mask type – higher surface energy of solder mask provides consecutively better adhesion of coating
InJet® 888 CRD 1F
InJet® 888 CRD-1F ist in erster Linie zum Entfernen der Flussmittelrückstände auf den Lötrahmen oder zur Wartungssreinigung von Lötvorrichtungen vorgesehen. Die Anlage ist auch geeignet für Entfernung ausgehärteter und nicht ausgehärteter...
Great for removing cured and uncured conformal coatings from coating frames, PCBAs (varnish remover PCB), and coating machine parts components
The designation 1F indicates a 1-storey solution, primarily intended for cleaning larger parts.
High-pressure spray-in-air

Other recommended
cleaning systems

Proton® 705 New Cleaning Miracle for Silicone Materials

DCT developed new alcohol-based cleaning agent Proton® 705 which is even more efficient compared to the current cleaning agent Proton® 703.

The reaction kinetics of Proton® 705 is up to 15 times higher, making silicone dissolution much faster.

  • 15 times faster than Proton® 703
  • Same substance as Proton® 703 BUT with more suitable solvents
  • Cleave silicone-oxygen bonds more efficiently
  • Classification of the mixture is the same as for Proton® 703
  • Suitable for high-pressure Spray-In-Air and ultrasonic cleaning machines
Cleaning Results
Success rate: 100%


  • Cured and uncured silicone-based conformal coatings
  • Silicone-based casting compounds
  • Silicone-based adhesives from PCBs, coating frames and components of coating machine parts


Please note that all types of components should be tested in our DEMO center before usage of Proton® 705. Proton® 703 has higher
compatibility with metal materials, while Proton® 705 has much higher effectiveness to remove silicone.

Are you interested in our solutions or
need help with your choice?

Contact us, our experienced sales representatives will be happy to advise you and propose a tailor-made solution to your requirements.

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