The customer used water-based cleaning agent from our competitor, which did not clean the pumpprints properly, so the adhesive got cured in the apertures (holes), which has caused printing errors. Moreover, the pummprint got devalued after some time and the cleaning system got clogged because of the cured adhesive as well.
The adhesive solubility test method determines which solvent can dissolve the adhesive without damaging the original object. Testing can be used to see how the adhesive reacts with different materials and solvents. This is crucial for applications where damage to the substrate could occur.
Proton® 69 is a powerful cleaning fluid as it is alcohol-based, but it is also very compatible and sensitive with plastic materials.
Other recommended
cleaning systems
The customer was pleased about Proton® 69 and its results as the adhesive dissolved completely and in a very short time. The reason is quite simple, adhesives get cured in water, so water-based cleaning fluids are ineffective. Proton® 69 is an alcohol-based cleaning agent with high efficiency.
The second positive effect is that we prolonged the life of the cleaning system, especially of the nozzles and pumps, which are not polluted by cured adhesive anymore. The customer has been using ours cleaning chemistry since the testing.
+38 163 893 9394
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