Sredstva za čišćenje

Sredstva za čišćenje

Proizvodimo visokokvalitetne hemikalije za čišćenje na vodenoj bazi (Decotron®) i na alkoholnoj bazi (Proton®), kompatibilne sa našim sistemima, prilagođene potrebama kupaca.
Water dispersible chemical defoaming agent. Recommended areas for use: to knock down the foam in cleaning or rinsing fluid in spray-in-air or air bubble cleaning systems.
Decotron 23
Decotron® 23
Water-based cleaning fluid determined for cleaning of stencils.Specially designed for wet cleaning process in screen printing. Ready-mix, intended for direct use. Effective for all types of solder pastes. Intended for...
Decotron 2
Decotron® 239
Water-based cleaning fluid determined to remove residues of a solder paste and uncured epoxy-based SMT adhesives from printing stencils, PCBs misprints and squeegees. Effective cleaning of process residues (dust, grease)...
Decotron 250
Decotron® 250
Water-based cleaning fluid determined to remove residues of a solder paste from printing stencils, PCBs misprints and squeegees.Ready-mix, intended for direct use. Effective for all types of solder pastes and...
Decotron® 250/25
Water-based cleaning fluid determined to remove residues of a solder paste from printing stencils, PCBs misprints and squeegees. Ready-mix, intended for direct use. Effective for all types of solder pastes...
Decotron 281
Decotron® 281
Water-based cleaning fluid determined to remove residues of a solder paste and SMT adhesives from printing stencils, PCBs misprints and squeegees. Ready-mix, intended for direct use. Effective for all types...
Decotron 351S
Decotron® 351S
Water-based cleaning fluid determined to clean misprints and remove flux residues from PCBs after the soldering process. Intended for use in all types of DCT cleaning machines, mainly in the...
Decotron 355S
Decotron® 355S
Water-based cleaning fluid determined to clean flux residues from PCBs after the soldering process. Intended for use in InJet types of DCT cleaning machines with high-pressure spray-in-air cleaning technology.
Decotron® 411A
Water-based cleaning fluid determined to remove flux residues from PCBAs after soldering process. Can be used to clean misprints. Ready-mix, intended for direct use. More effective cleaning under components. Intended...
Decotron CP381
Decotron® CP381
Water-based cleaning fluid determined to clean misprints and remove flux residues from PCBs after the soldering process. Ready-mix, intended for direct use. Intended for use in all types of DCT...
Decitron EFD1
Decotron® EFD1
The water-based cleaning agent (stripper) is determined to remove cured and uncured conformal coatings from coating frames, PCBs (varnish remover pcb), and coating machine parts components. Intended for removing acrylate...
Decotron M50
Decotron® M50
A water-based cleaning fluid designed for manual cleaning of soldering devices. Ready-mix intended for direct use. Designed for cleaning of most types of flux residues. Developed for areas with common...
Decotron T300SA
Decotron® T300SA
Water-based cleaning fluid determined for maintenance cleaning of flux residues from soldering frames, pallets and masks and parts of reflow ovens and wave soldering machines. Extra strong ready-mix intended for...
Decotron® T332
Water-based cleaning fluid determined for maintenance cleaning of flux residues from soldering frames, pallets and masks, parts of reflow ovens and wave soldering machines. Specially developer for cleaning filter elements...
Decotron® T392A
Water-based cleaning fluid determined for maintenance cleaning of flux residues from soldering frames, pallets and masks, parts of reflow ovens and wave soldering machines. Extra strong ready-mix intended for heavily...
DI Water
DI water
DCT Deionized water intended for dilution of concentrates of cleaning fluids and as a rinsing medium. For a professional use for dilution of concentrates of cleaning fluids and as a...
ESD ubrousky
ESD wipes
Special ESD wipes designed especially for manual PCB cleaning after rework.
Flux Remover 4
Flux Remover 4
Manual PCB cleaning after the reflow process. Special bristles - with optimal hardness, developed, especially for PCB cleaning. Thanks to the unique material of the fibres, they do not fray...
Proton 23
Proton® 23
100% Alcohol-based cleaning fluid determined to remove residues of a solder paste and SMT adhesives from printing stencils, PCBs misprints and squeegees. Specially designed for wet cleaning process in screen...
Proton 275
Proton® 275
Alcohol-based cleaning fluid determined to remove cured and uncured conformal coatings from coating frames, PCBs and components of coating machines parts. Used for epoxide, polyurethane and acrylic coatings. Ready-mix, intended...
Proton 29
Proton® 29
100% Alcohol-based cleaning fluid determined to remove residues of a solder paste and SMT adhesives from printing stencils, PCBs misprints and squeegees. Specially designed for wet cleaning process in screen...
Proton® 540
Alcohol-based cleaning fluid determined to remove cured and uncured conformal coatings from coating frames, PCBs and components of coating machines parts. Intended for removing of styrene, acryl and polyurethane coatings....
Proton 69
Proton® 69
Alcohol-based cleaning fluid determined to remove cured and uncured acrylic conformal coatings from coating frames, PCBs and components of coating machine parts. Determined to clean also uncured epoxy adhesives from...
Proton® 707
Alcohol-based cleaning solvent determined to remove cured and uncured silicone conformal coating from coating frames and PCBAs. Extremely strong solvent for PDMS polymer (silicone) – even shorter dissolution times compared...
Proton R07
Proton® R07
Alcohol-based rinsing fluid determined to rinse PCBs and some types of coating frames after cleaning with Proton® 703. Ready-mix, intended for direct use.
Reflow Cleaner 88
Reflow Cleaner 88
A water-based cleaning fluid designed for manual cleaning of soldering devices. Ready-mix intended for direct use. Designed for cleaning of most types of solder paste and flux residues. Developed for...
Reflow Cleaner 94
Reflow Cleaner 94
A water-based cleaning fluid designed for manual cleaning of soldering devices. Ready-mix intended for direct use. Designed for cleaning of most types of flux residues. Developed for areas with common...
Stencil Cleaner 11
Manual cleaning of printing stencils and squeegees. Suitable for the pre-cleaning and cleaning of flux and SMT adhesives from printing stencils and squeegees. Not necessary to rinse after the cleaning...


Preuzimamo punu odgovornost za funkcionalnost procesa čišćenja.


Možemo ponuditi kompletna rešenja za čišćenje za sve postojeće aplikacije.


Sisteme za čišćenje proizvodimo isključivo od nerđajućeg čelika jer ima dugoročne prednosti.


Brinemo o funkcionalnosti hemije za čišćenje, ali i o ekologiji.


Sa svakim projektom, naša najveća motivacija je da klijentu donesemo bolje tehničko i ekonomsko rešenje.


Kontinuiranim razvojem naših tehnologija čišćenja, idemo napred i odgovaramo na napretke u elektronskoj industriji.


upcima dajemo priliku da zaista testiraju rešenje za čišćenje.


Za nas se servisna podrška ne završava instalacijom, već počinje.

vitesco 1
panasonic 1
magnet-mirelli 1
Diehl Logo Tmave
hella 1
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wabco 1
foxconn 1
siix 1
sanmina-logo_2 1
valeo 1
Od otvaranja našeg novog pogona, dodali smo i InJet®388 za čišćenje šablona i AirJet®594 za pranje reflov izmenjivača toplote. Zahtevali smo višestruke izmene dizajna za InJet i DCT je sarađivao sa nama na modifikaciji mašine u skladu sa tim. Radimo 24/7 i imali smo izuzetnu uslugu sa DCT noć/dan/vikend. Mašine su napravljene veoma dobro i nismo imali većih hardverskih ili softverskih problema u poslednje 2 godine.
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Continental Corporation
Kristofer Tredvej
SMT menadžer
Christopher Treadway
U Tico Fire Protection Products, naš primarni fokus je na proizvodima i uslugama za zaštitu od požara. Sa prelaskom na lemljenje bez olova, borili smo se sa kvalitetom rezultata ispiranja PCB-a nakon procesa lemljenja. Zahvaljujući našoj dugogodišnjoj saradnji sa DCT Czech, njihovoj stručnosti u čišćenju, fleksibilnosti i orijentaciji na rešenja za kupce, uspešno smo promenili i implementirali novi proces čišćenja PCB-a korišćenjem vertikalnog prskanja. DCT Czech je za nas dizajnirao i proizveo sistem za čišćenje velikog kapaciteta, koji uspešno koristimo skoro 2 godine.
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Tyco Electronics
Radek Matuška
Procesni inženjer
DCT Czech nam je pomogao da rešimo čišćenje šablona za štampanje od ostataka lemljene paste i SMT lepka i istovremeno čišćenje zalemljenih PCB-a od ostataka fluksa. Nakon implementacije nove tehnologije čišćenja Injet 388 mCRD i sredstva za čišćenje Decotron CP381, moguće je očistiti sve delove u jednoj mašini za čišćenje sa jednom vrstom tečnosti za čišćenje. Tako je postignuto sveobuhvatno rešenje koje obezbeđuje dugoročne stabilne rezultate čišćenja. Takođe radimo sa DCT Czech na poboljšanju drugih procesa čišćenja u našoj proizvodnji.
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Miroslav Černý
Procesni inženjer
Sa DCT-om sarađujemo od 2006. DCT procese koristimo za čišćenje: šablona, PCB štamparskih grešaka, okvira za lemljenje, filtera iz reflov peći, kao i za ručno čišćenje. Veoma smo srećni i zadovoljni saradnjom sa DCT-om. Cenimo podršku direktno od DCT-a, ali i od lokalnih DCT stručnjaka.
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Celestica Romania
Bogdan Opris
NPI inženjer za štampu
Continental Automotive Češka Republika – Frenštat pod Radhoštem sastavlja PCB za velikog klijenta u automobilskoj industriji koji zahteva maksimalnu pouzdanost svih svojih delova.Zbog ovih zahteva visokog kvaliteta, tražili smo odgovarajućeg dobavljača koji bi mogao da postavi ceo proces čišćenja nakon lemljenja PCB-a. Radom sa DCT-om uspeli smo da postepeno otklonimo većinu tehničkih problema vezanih za čistoću delova i zadovoljimo veoma zahtevnog kupca. Ono što najviše cenimo u našoj saradnji je stručnost DCT tima i njihova sposobnost da se fleksibilno pozabave novim tehničkim problemima i strožim zahtevima krajnjeg kupca.
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Continental Automotive Czech Republic
Zbinjek Zahradil
Odeljenje za kvalitet
Već 40 godina, SEHO Sistems GmbH je vodeći svetski proizvođač kompletnih rešenja za procese lemljenja i automatizovane proizvodne linije. Mnoge pionirske inovacije u oblasti lemljenja potiču iz SEHO-a. Sa našim modernim, inovativnim sistemima i visokim standardom kvaliteta naših proizvoda, mi smo snažan i pouzdan partner za naše međunarodne kupce. DCT Czech s.r.o. pruža nam idealno sistemsko rešenje za procese čišćenja potrebne u našem tehnološkom centru. Zahvaljujući sveobuhvatnom rešenju kompanije DCT Czech s.r.o. veoma smo uspešni u čišćenju sistema filtera naših linija za lemljenje, kao i pribora za lemljenje kao što su okviri za lemljenje koji se koriste u procesima talasnog lemljenja. Koristimo INJET 888 CRRD u kombinaciji sa tečnošću za čišćenje Decotron T383 iz DCT. Veoma smo zadovoljni ovom tehnologijom jer ispunjava i najveće zahteve u procesu čišćenja.
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SEHO Systems GmbH
Frank Šnajder
Tehničar za primenu