Our R&D team developed a new cleaning agent, which was given the name Proton® 705.
Development was focused on even more effective cleaning of silicone than with Proton® 703, which is really eco-friendly on the other hand. Our team strived for better time results with higher
cleanliness of the components.
We have tested removal of silicone materials from several different surfaces using our new product Proton® 705. The following case study is based on real testing in our laboratory, however, Proton® 705 has been already used at the customer as well and the excellent functionality has been proven even in real.
For the brilliant results, we recommend using our cleaning agent Proton® 705 in combination with our cleaning system Injet® 888 CRD as this combination has been tested in our DEMO center and it is a highly effective combination for cleaning of silicone materials from many different surfaces.
We believe our complete cleaning solution for the removal of silicone is unique on the market.
Other recommended
cleaning systems
DCT developed new alcohol-based cleaning agent Proton® 705 which is even more efficient compared to the current cleaning agent Proton® 703.
The reaction kinetics of Proton® 705 is up to 15 times higher, making silicone dissolution much faster.
Please note that all types of components should be tested in our DEMO center before usage of Proton® 705. Proton® 703 has higher
compatibility with metal materials, while Proton® 705 has much higher effectiveness to remove silicone.
+420 725 337 729
Kontaktní adresa:
Havlíčkova 18
680 01 Boskovice
Fakturační údaje:
Tovární 85, 679 21 Černá Hora
DCT Czech s.r.o.
IČ: 27670937
DIČ: CZ27670937
Společnost realizuje projekt s názvem „Marketingová podpora exportu DCT Czech s.r.o.“, reg.č. CZ.01.2.111/0.0/0.0/16_047/0008507, který je spolufinancován z operačního programu Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost, tedy ze zdrojů Evropské unie. Obsahem projektu je propagace společnosti DCT Czech s.r.o. na 2 zahraničních veletrzích v letech 2017-2019 pořádaných v Německu, které jsou zaměřené na obor podnikání žadatele. Realizace projektu povede k rozvoji a růstu konkurenceschopnosti společnosti, posílení prezentace v zahraničí, získání nových zákazníků a povede k nárůstu objemu exportu a celkových tržeb společnosti.