Electronics designers, whose goal is to clean PCBAs in a small amount in a laboratory environment. Then, they provide the SMT manufacturers with the most suitable production process data including the proper cleaning process.
Electronics Designers -> Process Data -> Electronics Manufacturers -> PCBA
The developers used to clean PCBAs with IPA, which is an inappropriate solution. IPA is flammable and ineffective for cleaning of modern soldering materials. The developers searched on Google for better cleaning solutions and discovered our company. We analyzed their cleaning needs and demonstrated the effective and affordable cleaning methods for the R&D purposes.
Our laboratory specialists tested the cleaning of PCBAs polluted by soldering material in a tabletop ultrasonic cleaner. For comparison, we provided the customer with the cleaning of PCBs after soldering in a fully automatic cleaning system InJet® 388 CRD with Spray-In-Air technology.
Type of Solder Paste: No-clean Solder Paste SSA48-M955
Water-based cleaning agent Decotron® 356S
Tabletop ultrasonic cleaning machine
DI Water
Water-based cleaning agent: Decotron® CP381
InJet® series with vertical highpressure Spray-In-Air technology and rinsing with external filtration
DI Water
We tested the cleanliness of PCBAs in our Rose Tester, which is a measuring device
for the detection of the ionic contamination according to IPC-TM-650, 2.3.25.
We tested contamination of:
Other recommended
cleaning systems
Cleaning tests comparing PCBA cleaning in a laboratory tabletop ultrasonic cleaner
with additional rinsing and hand-drying and in fully automatic cleaning system
were performed.
Based on the testing results, it can be concluded it is possible to clean PCBA in the laboratory environment in a tabletop ultrasonic cleaner to achieve satisfying cleaning results.
It is important to understand the cleaning process is complex. All steps – cleaning with suitable chemistry, rinsing with high quality DI water, and drying, has to be done properly.
No-clean soldering materials must be either 100% cleaned, or it is better not to clean them at all.
+38 163 893 9394
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